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Be Careful When Kissing Your Cat! The Most Frequent Parasites in Spring and Summer

Publisher:cienightTime:08/09/24 07:30:40 PM 19:30Views:24
Spring is a season when everything revives and a large number of parasites multiply.
Especially when the weather is humid and hot, it is extremely easy for parasites to run rampant.
After tapeworms enter the human body, they can double in size every day.
It won't take long for them to grow into big worms over one meter long and then keep laying eggs.
So at this time, be sure to pay attention to the skin problems of your pets, give them regular baths and deworming.

When the following situations occur, chances are that there are parasites on your beloved pets!!

① Frequent body shaking, ear shaking, scratching, and licking of the anal glands.
② White dandruff, abscesses, scabs, hair loss, and redness and swelling appear on the body. It indicates that external parasites are causing trouble, and at this time, cats will scratch their bodies very frequently.
③ The cat has a bigger appetite, but doesn't gain weight no matter how much it eats, or even loses weight. This indicates that there may be internal parasites.
④ The feces are soft and unformed, with blood streaks and white particles. In more extreme cases, visible worms can be seen wriggling on the feces.

When to deworm?

Cats that are three months old can be dewormed.
Strictly speaking, cats should have external deworming once a month and internal deworming once every three months.
However, many pet cats often stay indoors for a long time and have less contact with the outside environment, and the schedule can be appropriately postponed.
For example: The frequency can be changed to external deworming once every three months and internal deworming about once every half a year. (Adjust according to the actual situation)
But if the cat is free-range or is usually fed raw meat, internal deworming needs to be done once a month.

✓ Deworming medicine for dogs cannot be used for cats. The ingredients contained in it are toxic to cats and can be lethal!!