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Cats are Born to Love Eating Fish? This Is a Rumor That Has Deceived Us for Hundreds of Years!

Publisher:cienightTime:08/09/24 07:47:00 PM 19:47Views:31
 Cats' love for fish has always been regarded as common sense by humans. Since childhood, we have always liked to associate cats with fish.
Just like "dogs eat meat, Ultraman fights monsters".
But have you ever wondered, would cats that are naturally afraid of water really like eating fish?
In contrast, catching mice seems more reasonable.
Where exactly did the conclusion that cats are born to love eating fish come from?

The Origin of Cats Eating Fish
The ancestors of cats were in Africa. As a desert animal, loving to eat fish definitely wasn't their nature.
At that time, their main source of meat was birds and mice.
It wasn't until they were domesticated by ancient Egyptian fishermen that they started eating fish.
At that time, ancient Egyptian fishermen, because they often fished by boat in the lower reaches of the Nile, kept cats on the boats to catch mice.

When there were mice, cats lived on mouse meat. But if there were no mice, fishermen would feed the cats with the miscellaneous fish they caught.
Gradually, cats adapted to the habit of eating fish and passed this habit down.
How Do Cats Choose Food?
Unlike humans, cats don't choose food based on vision or taste but mainly on smell.
The fishier the smell, the more it can attract their attention.
Let's take a look at the characteristics of fish meat again: meat rich in high protein and with a strong fishy smell, which conforms to cats' preferences as carnivores.
And fish can give them a sense of fullness. Naturally, cats are attracted by fish meat.
**However, cats aren't very good at eating fish and are often choked by fish bones. They can avoid big bones but find it not easy to spit out small bones (especially those in crucian carp).