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If your romantic partner has a pet, how to treat them is also a kind of knowledge.

Publisher:cienightTime:08/09/24 07:54:39 PM 19:54Views:29
 There is no doubt that when a person has a pet, their life will change to some extent.
For instance, after having a dog, one rarely wears black clothes anymore;
A person who usually can't even unscrew a bottle cap suddenly can carry 20 pounds of cat litter;
There are very few selfies in the photo album, and all you can see are pictures of their own dogs.
Apart from these changes, pets also have a say in the relationship.
The attitude of the other person towards the pet becomes the biggest factor in determining whether they can be in a relationship.

"Through a survey of 3,500 dog owners, it was found that:
86% of people would break up with someone who doesn't like their dog;
50% of people wouldn't pursue a relationship with a date their dog dislikes;
77% of people said they would end a relationship if their pet didn't like the other person."
– Data Source <OnePoll>

Having a pet can help with socializing and even be used to "charm girls". Liking pets can help increase the favorability among the opposite sex.
So there are also many people who, even if they don't have a pet, will change their avatars and emojis to pictures of cats and dogs (internet-famous cats and dogs, cartoon cats and dogs).
(These days, it seems like one is embarrassed to go online if they don't have any pet pictures.)
If two people just happen to like pets and both have pets when they first get to know each other, the chance of success in being together is very high!
Including the future getting along will also be happier~

But if one is a non-pet owner and really wants to get along with a pet owner, there are many minefields that should not be touched.
These minefields, if they occur during the relationship, are also very likely to make them extremely uncomfortable:

① Competing for affection with the pet.
"Between the dog I've raised for ten years and me, who would you choose?"
② When being sweet, suggesting putting the pet in another small dark room/cage.
"The cat keeps jumping around. It's so annoying."
③ Disagreeing with you spending so much money on the pet.
"It's just a dog. Why spend so much money on it?"
④ Disliking the pet.
"They are full of bugs. How dirty! And you still hug it like this."
"It's said that cats can't be tamed. Why do you still keep cats?"
⑤ Suggesting sending away the pet when preparing for pregnancy.
"Having too many pets can cause infertility!"
⑥ Saying directly "I hate pets".
"I especially hate cats. I want to stay away whenever I see them."

If you want to be in a relationship with a pet owner, it's better to avoid stepping on these minefields. As for the best outcome, it's that when you like me, you just happen to like my "family" as well.