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What if the cat hates being groomed? 4 steps to solve the problem of difficult grooming!

Publisher:cienightTime:01/01/70 12:00:00 PM 12:00Views:18
 It can be stated that grooming a cat is one of the skills that every cat owner must master. Grooming not only reduces hair loss and shedding but also promotes blood circulation and enhances the closeness between humans and pets.

However, at times, a cat's resistance to grooming can leave many cat keepers feeling at a loss. Grooming is not an option, and not grooming is not either... But in fact, as long as you learn the following techniques, grooming can become an intimate experience!

Firstly, when choosing a comb, we should avoid combs made of metal or other hard materials and instead select combs made of silicone or plastic with a gentle touch. Later, when the cat is in a cheerful mood, place the comb beside it and let it naturally touch and smell the comb to leave its scent. After a few days, when the cat has become accustomed to the comb, you can attempt to groom it.

Since the head is an area where the cat feels more comfortable and trusting, we can start grooming from the cat's head and then gently comb the cat's hair along the direction of hair growth. But it should be noted that the grooming duration should not be too long to prevent the cat from developing aversion!

Not only should the technique be noted, but the control of force is also extremely important! We should slightly tilt the comb and gently comb the hair to avoid scratching the cat's skin and causing it discomfort.

To make the cat enjoy the grooming process even more, we can also prepare some snacks as rewards. When the cat cooperates during grooming, you can stroke it while giving snack rewards. In this way, the cat can associate grooming with positive feedback and no longer consider grooming to be a loathsome matter!

After mastering these techniques mentioned above, grooming can not only keep your cat clean and healthy but also enhance the intimate relationship between you and the cat. Now, why not groom your cat and make grooming an intimate ritual between you two!