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Is your cat picky about food or anorexic? Here's how to deal with it!

Publisher:cienightTime:08/09/24 06:25:14 PM 18:25Views:34

I'm sure cat owners have all had this experience: Watching their own cats be choosy about food, they feel both anxious and helpless. If this persists for a long time, not only is it easy for the cat's nutrition to become imbalanced, but it's also very detrimental to their health! So, facing such picky cats, how should we deal with it?

**Feed at Fixed Times and Quantities**

Some cat owners always worry that their cats won't get enough to eat, so they often fill the cat's food bowl with cat food and let the cat eat freely. But this "buffet"-style feeding method is actually the main cause of cats being picky eaters. This feeding approach makes the cats think that food is not a scarce resource. They have a casual attitude towards food and think it doesn't matter whether they eat or not. Regarding this, Xiaoi suggests that cat owners should avoid this "buffet"-style feeding method and instead provide food to the cats at fixed times and in fixed quantities every day.

**Supplement Vitamin B**

If your cat shows picky eating behavior, you can also consider supplementing it with Vitamin B. This method is applicable to all picky cats because Vitamin B not only can stimulate the cat's appetite but also brings many benefits to the cats, such as beautifying the fur and protecting the eyes~

**Supplement Probiotics**

Considering that a cat's picky eating might also be related to factors such as excessive heat, stomach discomfort, and indigestion, in these cases, cat owners can feed the cats some pet probiotics to regulate the stomach and help increase the cat's appetite.

**Change the Food**

Finally, if the above methods don't work very well, then you should know this: When cats consume the same type of cat food for a long time or the cat food itself has a poor taste, cats are also prone to being picky about food! Therefore, cat owners might as well try to change to a nutritious and delicious cat food to whet the cats' appetites~

Through reasonable diet arrangements, supplementing Vitamin B, and changing the food, basically, the problem of cats being picky about food and anorexic can be effectively prevented and solved to ensure their health and vitality~