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Things That Are Prone to Cause Paralysis in Cats. Never Let Them Do These!

Publisher:cienightTime:08/09/24 06:32:34 PM 18:32Views:19
 You should know that a cat's life is only a short dozen or so years, and most cats have already entered old age at the age of seven or eight. If some bad habits of cats are not improved in their old age, it is very likely to endanger their health and even cause paralysis in cats. Pet owners must not be careless! The things that are prone to cause paralysis in cats are as follows:

Letting cats climb frequently

Because cats are naturally inclined to climb and jump, many pet owners set up cat climbing frames at home to provide space for cats to play and exercise. However, when cats enter old age, their physical strength and the toughness of their bones have gradually weakened. At this time, allowing elderly cats to undertake high-difficulty climbing and jumping excessively may cause serious damage to their limbs and spine. In extreme cases, it may even lead to paralysis of the cats!

Engaging in intense exercise

Young cats are often passionate about stimulating and intense exercise, but for elderly cats, such activities are no longer suitable for them. You should know that intense exercise may cause breathing difficulties for elderly cats, increase the burden on the heart, and even lead to injuries and paralysis, all of which can cause great harm to their bodies.

Keeping cats in cages

Although elderly cats are not suitable for intense exercise, they cannot lack exercise for a long time either! Some pet owners may choose to keep them in cages for a long time to prevent elderly cats from having accidents or dirtying the house. However, this approach may also lead to health problems for cats. Cats kept in cages for a long time will have atrophied limb muscles due to lack of exercise, and their physical condition will gradually decline. In severe cases, they may even be unable to stand normally anymore...

Feeding cats too fat

In addition to the above-mentioned things that are prone to cause paralysis in cats, it is believed that many pet owners will make a mistake, that is, when they are old, they should eat the best and be treated with good food and drink... NoNoNo! If pet owners feed various good things to cats after they are old and make the cats obese, it will also cause paralysis in cats!

For elderly cats, obesity is a very serious disease, which is prone to burden the cat's body, cause problems such as intervertebral disc protrusion, and in severe cases, it will lead to paralysis. Moreover, excessive obesity can also cause diseases such as heart disease. Therefore, pet owners must pay attention to the weight of cats after they are old~